Monday, April 16, 2012

Final Project Proposal Again

Final Project Proposal

My final project proposal for PHO 111, Introduction to Digital Media, is to photograph and produce pictures of something that is dear or personal to me. I have chosen to photograph my stepdad. He is a police officer and a great father and I'd like to show that off through my photos.

Among the key issues that will need to be taken into account in developing a successful collection of images over the next five weeks are 
1. I need to scout a location and take photos during different times of day so I can be sure of the when and where.

2. I need to make sure I follow my timeline and not procrastinate on any part of the project.

3. I need to narrow my focus and stick with it because I'm super indecisive.

Stages of work
1. This proposed project entails basic research on the stylistic elements of other photographers. We've studied many fascinating artists and should I choose to follow in their footsteps, I'll need to study them more. I also need to study my camera manual again.

2.  A reflection essay discussing what has been achieved during the course of this final project assignment along with a self-directed grade for the semester will be completed by 7 May 2012.

3. A 1-2 page artist statement explaining the final project and the artistic choices employed within the final images.

4. Explain what you hope to accomplish by:
 Wed 4 April: Narrow down a topic and see if I need help from others to take these pictures.
 Mon 9 April: Take some preliminary pictures to figure out the when and where.
 Wed 11 April: Have size figured out and at least 4 pictures printed.
 Mon 16 April: Mid-point review of at least 5-7 pictures due
 Wed 18 April: If everything is going well, finish picking out pictures to print.
 Mon 23 April: Have all pictures printed and begin matting.
 Wed 25 April: Artist Statement Due by end of class
 Mon 30 April: Reflection Essay and Self Directed Grade Due
 Wed 2 May: Final printing and matting
The final 10-15 images will be ready to display for critique on or before 7 May 2012.

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