Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Artist Statement

For my final project, I chose to do a series of portraits of my stepfather, Jimmy. To me, he is a figure that personifies and embodies ideas that only great and unique men possess. He is a great father, with a caring disposition and fantastic sense of humor. Jimmy is also a police officer, and has been for the past 41 years. He is protective, loyal, and upholds good morals. Te purpose of this project is to convey these different aspects that I believe most people do not get to see.

I looked to many photographers for guidance on this project. There are not many portraits of police officers. Usually, they remain anonymous due to being photographed in groups. I looked at occupational stock photos for some ideas on what parts of the uniform and other police tools I should focus on. To capture Jimmy's personality, I drew inspiration from Andrzej Dragan's portraits which display intense expression and enhanced light and shadows.

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