Monday, January 30, 2012

Another Self-Portrait


  1. I like the clarity of the picture. As well as the golden color with the brown of your hair. The bricks in the background seems to add a tad bit of personality into it as well. There is about three items in the picture that seem to throw it off: A plant contain hook, door knob, and some sort of net thing {A vent?}. Though their visibility is super minor and can easily be ignored compared to the mickey Mouse hat with eye catching "Sara". The shadow in the background seems to really catch my attention. Making me curious as to what time of day it is. Very nicely done. Enjoyed your newest picture.

  2. I really like the though put into this photo, I think the shadow really makes the composition. I think the only thing that it is missing is a little bit of color, not sure how that could be fixed though.

  3. When you were in entertainment in the Disney College Program (where you got the mouse ears hat), you often played the role of Winnie the Pooh. The shadow represent that that character is still a part of you. I'm glad you still have a bit of that Disney spirit!
