Monday, April 16, 2012

Photos of Jimmy


  1. I really like the last photo, the way he is putting on the medal is showing so much of his personality. It shows that he is prideful and have a very Fatherly soft touch underneath. The one with him on the phone makes him seem like a dork and fun to be around. The third photo makes him look really tired and it seems as if he really wants you to stop taking photos. All the photos combined just show completely different stories. As a genre this may be a little bad, though they are all of him at least. As for the colors and composition, I really like the last one and the first one. The others seem to have some colors that throws the image off. Though the most major thing that throws the photos off would be how everyone seemingly cuts some part of gum. Head, hand,and/or hat. The only ones that seem not to be cutting him off is the last and second.

  2. I like the concept, but I don't feel like the pictures you have so far really show him in his element of being a police officer. They just look like posed pictures. I understand you probably can't really show what he does because of his restrictions, so you would probably have to try and be more creative.

  3. I love the reflection in the fourth photo. good job.
