Monday, January 30, 2012

Another Self-Portrait

Three Photographers

Bruce Weber-
As the site says, Bruce Weber captures the All-American Ideal in his photos. The photos consist mainly of fashion and portraits that capture the light-hearted and fun aspect of the subject. There is movement in his photos, in the blowing hair or twisting figure of a model, that give the photos life. One of my favorites is the picture of Madonna kissing herself in a mirror. I like this picture because the execution of using the mirror in the picture is amazing. You can barely make out that it is a mirror because the edge of the mirror doesn’t show up. Another photo that I like is the one of the Duchess of Devonshire feeding the chickens. She has such a happy expression on as she feeds the chickens in her expensive gown which seems to tell the viewer that she has fun and doesn’t think herself above such a task. I also like his picture from American Vogue of a model lying on the beach with golden retrievers. I like the use of color and light in this because it looks very natural and warm.

Nan Goldin-
Nan Goldin had a specific focus to her photos: sexuality. She has a hard, grunge style that gives the photos an edge. She does not limit her subjects to society’s convention of what is normal. I like this because I think there is great value in stepping out of the comfort zone and creating art that isn’t always liked by everyone. One of her pictures that I like is Untitled, an image of a person sitting at a ticket counter. I love the setting because it makes a statement that the person is separated from the rest of the world. It’s not a “pretty” picture and I like that because it makes it seem real. I also like Joey as Marilyn, at St. Moritz Hotel. The expression on the subject’s face grabs you in and begs whatever the story is to be told.

Tim Walker-
Tim Walker’s photos use his props to tell the story without overpowering the subject. No matter the size of the prop, it does not remain the focus of the viewer. When browsing through his gallery, I could not wait to see what he would do in the next photo. I love the Italian Vogue set with the gigantic baby doll. Even though dolls creep me out a little, I found myself laughing at the expression on the model’s face and enjoying the use of pastel colors with a dirty twist. It gives the feeling that the model isn’t perfect and plays like a child. I also like the portraits of Tilda Swinton, because I love how crazy and androgynous she is. I love the patterns and the clothing choices made in this photo because it is a little strange and she almost doesn’t look real. Another picture I like is of the Chinese tearoom. I love interior design and the colors and light in this photo vary a great deal which gives the photo a lot of depth and intrigue.